Render reStructuredText Directly to Firefox
reStructuredText is awesome. Anytime I need to write something in plain text, I mark it up using rST. It looks nice in plain text form, and can be rendered to HTML for improved presentation.
Sometimes, as I am working on a document, I'd like to see what it looks like
once rendered to HTML, to make sure I am thinking the same way the computer is.
Docutils ships with a nice little script
called rst2html
that will render a rST document as HTML, either to standard
output or another file. What would be really nice is to be able to immediately
preview the resulting HTML document in Firefox without the intermediate file.
Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't read HTML from standard input, so document.rst | firefox
doesn't work.
I've come up with this workaround, however, that works just fine. Using
and xargs
, I construct a Data
URI and instruct Firefox to open
that: document.rst | base64 -w 0 | xargs -i firefox "data:text/html;charset=utf8;base64,{}"